Código: 291

Hip-Hop's Underground Revealed

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As for my book Hip-Hop's Underground Revealed, I feel completely sure like back in Noah's days that this autobiography will be the next striking revelation, biblically on a highly talked about subject, which is the truth on hip-hop. This book reveals secrets that the media has never known before. Many artists are helped by the same people. The book talks about me, a person they kept secret, and gave no credit. I'm revealing the truth and am not embarrassed at all, just upset at myself for not doing this sooner! I feel this is my time to awaken the American people's minds, like Moses in the Holy Bible. Lastly I talk about the fall behind American hip-hop stars' lyrics. I will provide you with clues and proof on how popular I am to celebrities. I also touch on Christian topics and hope that you don't underestimate me. This book is a whistle blower and an exposure of celebrity deceit and wicked hustlers. I'm talking about my book, Hip-Hop's Underground Revealed, which is about guilty celebrities from both genres, hip-hop and rap.


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